Zitat von kaahne:
Wenn ich mir die Bukkit Beschreibung des Events nochmal ins Gedächtnis rufe:
public class InventoryMoveItemEvent
extends Event
implements Cancellable
Called when some entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another.
When this event is called, the initiator may already have removed the item from the source inventory and is ready to move it into the destination inventory.
If this event is cancelled, the items will be returned to the source inventory, if needed.
If this event is not cancelled, the initiator will try to put the ItemStack into the destination inventory. If this is not possible and the ItemStack has not been modified, the source inventory slot will be restored to its former state. Otherwise any additional items will be discarded.
public class InventoryMoveItemEvent
extends Event
implements Cancellable
Called when some entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another.
When this event is called, the initiator may already have removed the item from the source inventory and is ready to move it into the destination inventory.
If this event is cancelled, the items will be returned to the source inventory, if needed.
If this event is not cancelled, the initiator will try to put the ItemStack into the destination inventory. If this is not possible and the ItemStack has not been modified, the source inventory slot will be restored to its former state. Otherwise any additional items will be discarded.
Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, entsteht das Event doch nicht, wenn der Hopper einfach leer ist. Dann muss er nämlich nicht beim nächsten anfragen, ob das Inventar frei ist. Und auch gut zu wissen, das das Event auch von Droppern und Loren erzeugt wird.
In meinem Gerichtssaal gibt es keine Unschuldsbeteuerungen.
Eine Unschuldsbeteuerung ist schuldig der Vergeudung meiner Zeit. Schuldig!
+++ Großinquisitor Fjodor Karamasow +++